

What Are the Reasons for Buying Newly-Built Real Estate in Cayman?

It makes sense at the end of the day in invest in new construction. In a market that is still young by most standards our construction is newer and in a lot of cases our market is becoming newer as properties are being renovated or improved and redeveloped, taking into account all the added advantages of today’s construction methods.


How CIREBA Works

How does a real estate agent operate in the Cayman Islands in comparison to systems in the US and UK? Agents in the Cayman Islands operate very similar to those in North American. As they also have a Multiple Listing System whereby all agents share all listing information from not only other agents, but also other companies. The fees are agreed upon before hand and are the same across the board.


Rollover Impact on the Real Estate Market

There are many unknown’s in life. The trick to getting through them is understanding your options and acting before everyone else in the same predicament thinks your idea is a good one. The rollover issue is a very controversial one with many different emotions attached to it.