An artists impression of the planned Kimpton hotel shows how Dart Realtys $200 million project will change the visual landscape of the Seven Mile Beach area.
Blog Posts
Builders Law to be resurrected
It is expected that this law will reduce the number of unqualified contractors in the market and the abuse of work permits, thus creating more opportunities for Caymanians.
Dart plans second hotel on Seven Mile Beach
More real estate development planned along Cayman Islands Seven Mile Beach
November Market Update
Large increase in real estate sales of properties island wide, especially of water-front condominiums in the Cayman Islands.
October Market Update
Few sea front properties still available, act now before prices increase. Cayman Islands, a great place to live and raise a family.
September Market Update
Looking to Cayman’s future, resilience after hurricane Ivan, upswing in condominium sales along Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman especially at the lower end of market
RE/MAX once again supporting Kiwanis Buy a Kid Breakfast programme
The Brokers and Agents at REMAX have made a donation to the Kiwanis Club of Grand Caymans Buy a Kid Breakfast Programme as part of our ongoing commitment to community service.
July Market Update
Cayman Islands real estate market holds firm in 2014. The WaterColours, Seven Mile Beach, High demand for canal front property in Seven Mile Beach corridor, Grand Cayman.
May Market Update
Sales of condos along Grand Cayman’s Seven Mile Beach up 88% vs last year. New developments in Cayman’s real estate along the Seven Mile Beach corridor include Caribbean Plaza, The WaterColours soon to open, Regent Building. Work moving at a fast pace on the new Kimpton hotel and other Dart projects.
No Landfill for Bodden Town
As published in the Caymanian Compass l WEDNESDAY 5 JUNE 2013 l No Landfill for Bodden Town